Vaccination requirements for travel to Niue

Most travellers must meet COVID-19 vaccine requirements before travelling to Niue by air.

You must meet vaccination requirements

  • All travellers 16 years and older must meet COVID-19 vaccination requirements before travelling to Niue by air. You will be required to upload proof of your vaccinations to the Niue Traveller Declaration.
  • Children under 16 do not need to be vaccinated to enter Niue.
  • If you do not meet the vaccination requirements, you will not be able to enter Niue.

Approved vaccines for entry to Niue

To be eligible to enter Niue, you must have had a full course of one of the following COVID-19 vaccines. A full course of some of the approved vaccines is 1 dose only.

Manufacturer (Marketing Authorisation Holder)Vaccine NameOther Names (Including research name)Dose(s) Required
AstraZeneca/OxfordVaxzevriaAZD1222 / hAdOx1 nCoV-192
AstraZeneca – Serum Institute of IndiaCovishieldAZD12222
Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)JanssenAd26.COV2.S1 / JNJ-784367351
Novavax – Serum Institute of IndiaCovovax 2
Pfizer/BioNTechComirnatyBNT162b2 / Tozinameran2
Sinopharm (Beijing)BBIBP-CorVCovilo (also Also LIBP, CCIBP, CDIBP, CNBG, BIBP)2

How to provide proof of vaccination

  • All travellers aged 16 years and older must provide proof of vaccination
    Proof of vaccination can be:
    a letter from your doctor
  • your EU-DOC Vaccine Certificate if you were vaccinated in Niue
  • an International Travel Vaccination Certificate if you were vaccinated in New Zealand
  • an overseas COVID-19 vaccination certificate issued by the relevant Government authority, if you were vaccinated in another country

What your vaccination certificate must include
Your vaccination certificate must include:

  • your full name
  • the name of the vaccine
  • the name of the agency that administered them
  • the name of the place where you received them
  • the date of each dose or the date when a primary vaccination course was completed.

Check that the name of your vaccination certificate matches your passport.

Airlines may also have their own vaccination requirements — check before you fly.