Who is a Close Contact

You are a Close Contact if you have had sufficient contact with a person with COVID-19 while they were infectious. A Close Contact is any person deemed at the highest risk of developing infection based on exposure to an infectious case.

You are considered a Close Contact if you have:

been close (within 1.5 metres) to a positive case of COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes and the case was not wearing a mask or was not wearing a mask correctly.  For example, having a conversation, sitting across a table from someone, eating together, or playing together.


had direct contact with respiratory secretions or saliva from a case. For example, sharing a cigarette, vape, or drink bottle, if the person coughed or sneezed directly on you, or kissing. It also includes if the case was singing, shouting, exercising, or dancing. This is for any duration of time regardless of face covering use.


spent time in an indoor space, and the space was small and poorly ventilated, and it was for more than 15 minutes (i.e., there were no windows or doors open, or there were no air filtration mechanisms in place). For example, a small office or school classroom.


spent time in an indoor space (cumulative, non-face-to-face contact) for more than 1 hour with a case and at least one of the following: 

  • the case was not wearing a mask or wasn’t wearing it properly. For example, sitting or playing near someone.
  • the indoor space was moderate-sized and poorly ventilated (i.e., there were no windows or doors open, or there were no air filtration mechanisms in place). For example, nightclubs, social gatherings, church sessions indoors, and gyms.   

All household members of a case are Close Contacts (Household). 

How you will find out you are a Close Contact

You may be told you are a Close Contact by:

  • someone who has tested positive for COVID-9
  • a message or call from the Public Health Unit at Niue Foou Hospital.

Please note: the Public Health Unit is no longer contact tracing every Close Contact of a case. As such, you might not be informed if you are a Close Contact. Please remain vigilant as COVID-19 is circulating in the community. 

What you need to do

If you are a Household Close Contact:

  • You must undertake a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) at home daily for five (5) days from when the case in your house tested positive
  • You must monitor for symptoms and if any develop, isolate immediately and take another test
  • You are no longer required to isolate, however for the protection of vulnerable people in the community you are encouraged to limit your movements outside your house
  • Avoid contact with the elderly, pregnant, and others you know who have medical conditions in the family
  • If you are a Healthcare Worker, there are additional requirements for you that Niue Foou Hospital will communicate with you
  • If you test positive, you must inform Niue Public Health immediately
How to report your RAT

Email covid.results@gov.nu or report via Facebook messenger to the Niue Public Health Division page.

Look after yourself

It is important to look after your mental health and wellbeing. Everyone’s experience of isolation is different. Some people may find this time much harder than others. It is okay to feel stressed or anxious.

Tips for making self-isolation easier